
coming soon 
sauberman global launch site

Our website is under construction due to major reconstruction of the organisation. This site includes core information only.

Know about us


THE SAUBERMAN FOUNDATION NPC was founded on the collective work done by the Founder over the past 30 years from birthing the Mandela Square Project (Liberty Life, Sandton) together with Nelson Mandela and The Mandela Foundation through the successive presidencies leading up to and including former Pres. Jacob Zuma.

Also sprouting from indigenous relationships with monarchs such as King Sandile I and many Heads of States, Monarchs and Dignitaries throughout Africa, Europe et al. In particular in collaboration with the Co-Founder over the past 23 years laid the cornerstones of which in 2021 became THE SAUBERMAN FOUNDATION .

Our FOUNDATION is a  Non Profit Organisation, where no single person/entity has equity or ownership  in the Foundation with the Core Objectives  of environmental protection and that of human rights. In particular to eradicate absolute poverty in sovereign indigenous nations; and communities in developing territories of emerging markets; through working together with our strategic partners toward sound macro-economic market reformation, community centric business ethics and self-sustainable development.

Singular Multimodal Interfase


We specialise in networking and cross pollination of technologies across industries and segments. Investment  or various funding typologies are applied in participation with Strategic Development Partnerships on macro level in association with beneficiaries -covering multiple economic development projects within a singular multimodal construct.

Implementing investment, refinance, redesign and architecture of existing infrastructure or from scratch:  white paper to feasibility, planning and construction, while utilising specialist contractors, engineers, scientists and technologies- across platforms and industries.

FIN institutionAL

equatorial REGIONS

esg technologies

ftz & SEZ



Our projects


Our Project Finance Desk -36F China Merchants Bank Tower, Guangdong in China provided proof of capacity and concept for financial access; project listing and authorization through the interbank system. Deployment of licensed entities and servers ensures complete and continuous transparency by way of live upload of bankable and compliant components. Projects are authorised and listed to access the bankable project book value instantly across the globe at any given point in the project lifespan at any node in the interbank system.   Enabling debt free, wealth based project funding; expansion; balance sheet enhancement; asset- and treasury management- directly linked to settlement.

Downsteam systems such as project management, governance, auditing and reporting are engineered to align and interface with the banking and treasury systems to provide the required data, licenses, approvals, certification and documentation to populate the appropriate processes in accordance with the protocols for expedient delivery and real time accountability.. 

SBF features


Our Central Bank Digital Currency Project provides extra ordinary solutions . Pinacle advantage of lighning speed transacting and immediate settlement at destination. Extended to issuance of fininacial Instruments. A reseve currency with  insurance and physical tender on demand.


In addittion to governance and reporting protocols, structures and requirements being integrateed directly into the management systems: Treasury, Asset, Wealth, Program and Project - additional layers are added to include compulsory adherence to United Nations COP Acts, Bills and Frameworks .


SESO brings the first major core infrastucture systems upgrade since the inception of  "Silicon Valley", New York Stock exchange and VISA with continues integration of regulations, protocols et al as they are updated by the System Comptrollers.

Financial Products

With almost 80% of asset owners now considering ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria to be one of their top five issues when choosing an asset manager, the potential for connecting private wealth with opportunities that help mitigate climate change appears promising. Our capacity to achieve bankable values for projects and structure enhanced project balance sheets on an   ESG intgrated equity quotient platform impacts on macro economic level while compounding scale to ESG targets.

Sustainable Development

1.4 trillion dollars, that's how much extra money will be needed each year so that low- and lower middle-income countries can reach the ambitious sustainable development goals and lift the world's poorest 700 million people out of poverty by 2030, according to UN reports . Our estimations and preperation is for much larger values. However we aim for maximum impact by placing communities in developing nations at the focus point of operations, with the Sovereign Indigenous and Environment.

Green Technology

Having planted over 20,000 trees so far, BioCarbon Engineering has the bold ambition to plant 1 billion each year. Potentially significant global effect related to climate change. Many of today's development success stories are driven by innovation, often from outside the traditional development framework. Sauberman Foundation support new approaches and ideas, which should be allowed to develop and grow on the margins, and then scaled to impact   directly on the environment on micro level..

                      ENROLED BENEFICIARIES









Meet the Team

Dedicated Professionals


transparency live


THE world  

planetary boundaries
Jan. 20, 2020

Leaders at Davos this week planning for the upcoming decade, heard that they face economic disruption of $12 trillion a year from industries that prioritize Sustainability, Trust and Inclusion. Over $24 trillion of financial assets will be controlled by millennials over the next decade, and will become increasingly allocated toward companies producing more social, environmental and ethical services and products

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a tree falls in a forest
15 jan 2020

“They existed. They existed. We can be. Be and be better. For they existed.” An extract from the poem by legendary American poet Maya Angelou. Right at the end of the programme for Richard Maponya’s funeral service on Tuesday 14 January; an ode to the legacy the man had carved out for himself.”

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carbon emissions
21 apr 2019

“China’s move to create the world’s largest carbon market is yet another powerful sign that a global sustainability revolution is underway,” Al Gore, the former vice president and a prominent voice on the environment, said in a statement.

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Contact with us

send your
message to us

If you are representing an  Indigenous Community or Municipality enquire if you qualify for grant or structured funding. E-mail: info@sauberman.ca with info as per sample >